André Rafael Frank…
…is a German painter.
Born in Fulda in 1968, he lives with his family in a low mountain range, the Rhön.
His style: Realistic, colorful, expressive, narrative.
His motifs: images of a bygone era, transforming experiences into fantasy stories, faith, mysticism, pagan folk tradition, symbolism, often depicted by female individuals in the context of their surroundings.
Renaissance and dreams meet quality depicted fantasy worlds.
Andre Frank’s illustrative style captures alienated landscapes. His protagonists convey a bizarre sense of deja vu.
Oil, acrylic, canvas, murals, glazing and mixed media.
A picture must be worth painting. The often long path to a convincing motif, the enthusiasm and satisfaction after the completion of a painting has not
lost its appeal for André Frank, even after many years.
My statement
For me, painting is the opportunity to create a place of longing.
It serves to bring truths, dream worlds and the forgotten into the present.
I don’t want to be on the outside, but my soul is an artist.
My painterly vita has breaks. A profession that has nothing to do with art, in which I feel comfortable, is my other side and gives me the security I need
for freedom in painting.
It is not easy to capture life on canvas.
Light, backlighting and the play of colors.
There is so much to say, but for what there is to say, you would have to paint through the days.
Participation in exhibitions
- Participation in the Kleinsassen Art Days
- “Rhönsalon 2005”, art station Kleinsassen
- Multiple participation in the annual exhibitions of the Kunstverein Fulda
- Themed exhibition “Eroticism”, Tabula Rasa, Fulda
- Themed exhibition “Frauenzimmer und Mannsbilder”, Vonderau Museum, Fulda
- Exhibition participation in Sergijew Possad, Russia
- “Jenseits von Abendrot und Silberdistel”, joint exhibition with H. Amlung, B. Suchy Amlung, AMA and Bernd Baldus at the Museum Tann
- Querschnitte Ausstellung Kunstverein „Aus Klein wird Groß“, Vonderau Museum Fulda
Own exhibitions
- “André Frank painting and graphics”, Museum Tann
- Exhibition at the Sales studio of the art forge Füchtenhans, Fulda
- “2nd André Frank exhibition”, art gallery Stadthalle Gersfeld
There are pictures that are more illustrations of thoughts and thus arise more from thinking, right through to offers of perception that consist only of text. I see André Frank’s pictures as being somewhere between these extremes. His pictures are fed by both poles. The forms largely follow the social conventions of reality. He therefore cultivates a realistic, figurative style of representation. He combines familiar forms with unfamiliar ones, bringing a touch of surrealism into play. The pictures are rationally composed and can usually tell stories.
Ralf-Michael Seele,
Art historian
Founder & director of the Städtische galerie ada Meiningen
At first glance, his paintings stand out for their pointed, illustrative pen, never for their broad, explosive brushstrokes. André R. Frank’s love of detail, on the other hand, is paired with a certain urge for perfection and narrative joy. This results in pictures that captivate the viewer.
Gerd Liske,
graphic artist
- Further training with Professor Jürgen Blum
- Open studio – with Peter Henryk Blum, Kunststation Kleinsassen
RhönSalon 2005 ISBN3-934495-10-9